Law Firms

Progressive firms are using technology to implement and optimize efficient back office.

We know that running a law firm comes up with a set of business challenges that you want to tackle on a daily basis. All you need is a business partner who understands the needs of your clients and ensures that your are making a breakthrough in your industry.

Low Realization Rate

A survey has shown that billable leakage costs firms $20,000 to $40,000 USD annually per individual. Professionals dislike filling out timesheet because current solutions are cumbersome. It takes them 8 minutes to record every hour of work.

Lacking Competitiveness

Competition is coming not only from other law firms, but also from non-traditional legal providers, with much less overhead, who can offer their services at a lower price. The keys to winning are the ability to streamline processes and cut costs. 

Inefficient Document Management

Nowadays, many law firms save their documents disorderly across different systems and hard drives. Spending unnecessary time to store, file, and search all of those documents is wasting your working hours which can be put into better use.

Your Virtual COO Solution Designed for your Firm

Proactive Job Monitoring

From your office post-it billboard to a virtual Kanban board. You can easily plan, assign and monitor all job tasks of your teams in one single cloud-based interactive board.

Project management service for effective and strategic planning.

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All-in-One Job History

From piles of papers to a virtual intelligent filing. All historical documents, emails and chat messages are easily accessible and searchable on our cloud-based platform.

Knowledge management service for seamless collaboration & communication.

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Complex Time Tracking and Billing

From spreadsheets to a smart accounting solution. At anytime, you can easily create, edit, approve all timesheets, expenses and invoices of your teams in one single application.

Comprehensive time tracking and billing service for effective accounting management.

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